My Command Is This: Love Each Other As I Have Loved You.
First Congregational church actively participates in local and global outreach. Our mission work provides an opportunity for fellowship among members, opportunity for youth to practice Christian service and learn new skills.
Current Mission Activities:
Open Mondays 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Saturdays 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. FREE Diapers, wipes, adult briefs, feminine products
Faith in Action – monthly food and grocery donations, Christmas adopt–a–family program
Supporting Chelsea schools through teacher supplies and gift cards
Collecting clothing for Afghan refugees in Michigan
Financial support for churches impacted by natural disasters (Kentucky flood victims, Fall 2022; church damaged by flooding in Mayfield, Kentucky, 2021)
United Church of Christ programs:
- Our Church’s Wider Mission
- One Great Hour of Sharing
Annual CROP Hunger Walk –supports local food programs and the international anti-hunger work of Church World Services
Heifer International – a global nonprofit working to eradicate poverty and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development.
FCC is a proud supporter of Faith-in-Action, a community funded assistance and resource center with locations in Chelsea and Dexter, Michigan. For assistance, click here.

Parables is a no-shushing worship experience where all are welcome and empowered to share their special gifts. Designed for all abilities; but especially for families who are seeking a faith community where people on the margins, because of intellectual and developmental disabilities, are celebrated because we are all part of the body of Christ.
Parables in a pandemic
During the last year, Parables has continued to meet in a weekly Zoom session. Is it the same as when we are all together in Church and sharing a simple meal? NO! But, the same spirit that imbues the participants when we are in person is still present in our on-line time.
Each meeting has caregivers, interested members and staff. Oh! Usually, one or two therapy dogs or just dogs make brief appearances.
Parables is one of the most Christian activities in which most of us have ever participated. Yes, it takes some time to feel comfortable in a Parables Service, but once you do, you really understand that we are all God’s people. All are welcome to our weekly Thursday evening Zoom meetings at 7:30 pm. Let Elisabeth know if you would like to attend by emailing
A safe space for sharing
The meetings provide a safe place for everyone to share their stories for the past week. Since all of the social services programs and day care programs have been canceled during the pandemic, our Parables parents have caregiving duty 24/7. There is no respite time.
However, this Parables meeting does provide a place where they can share their frustrations, joys and challenges with others who truly listen and understand.
What's a typical meeting like?
There is no typical meeting! Some weeks we just listen to the challenges faced by the caregivers. Other times we plan an activity for all our families. For example, last summer we met in person at a park. At Christmas time we delivered to twenty families a small gift package (i.e. stuffed animal, Swedish fish (Parables symbol is the fish) and a few other goodies). These were delivered around the county to Chelsea, Ann Arbor, Grass Lake, Manchester and Pinckney. The Parables families were very happy for this Christian outreach.